Monday 3 December 2012


Download procedure for LQDI5235(Mfd-0392) with PLATINUM(J0000228) logic board

Note: Do not switch off or interrupt the printer while downloading the firmware

Step 1. Save the firmware file to computer hard drive.

Step 2. Connect the parallel cable from computer to printer

Step 3. Hold "Load/eject, Condense & Pitch" button & power ON the printer.

Step 4. Open the command prompt & select the firmware file location stored in your hard drive.

Step 5. Type Copy firmware file name/b lpt1 and press ENTER key.

Step 6. ONLINE LED will start blinking marking the beginning of firmware upgradaton and then at the end FONT, PITCH & CONDENCE LED will blinking for few seconds signalling end of process. At last all LED will stop glowing except power LED.

Step 7. Switch Off the Printer & Switch on for your use.

Note: It is not applicable to LQDSI with Sp3(J0000213) or opal board(J0000094).

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